Eliminating scope stretch
Scope stretch can be successfully managed and minimised, but only if we put in place some simple processes and support our team to change behaviours that have become entrenched. Without some basic systems and training, scope stretch will continue to be a significant cost to many firms.
The three key reasons scope stretch occurs
- The client has not met your minimum presentation standards, causing additional work or rework.
- You recognise the need to provide an additional service that is not within the scope of your agreement.
- The client requests further work outside the scope of your service agreement.
Important info
Managing scope stretch requires clear communication of expectations and a discussion of what is out of scope prior to completing the work. Then, you can provide the client with options to move forward.
Offering a Quick Queries Service
A quick query is something that can be raised and resolved within ten minutes, whether over the phone, in an email, or during a face to face conversation. Including a Quick Queries Service for some or all of your clients will encourage stickier, more transparent relationships.
Include a Quick Queries Service in your standard service plans (and price these accordingly).
Benefits of a Quick Queries service
Advantages of providing the Quick Queries Service include:
- Removing the barrier of a fee for a quick question
- Encouraging clients to involve you in their decision making, which builds trust and rapport
- Educating your clients as to what is free and what isn’t
- Identifying opportunities where clients can make more money or save tax
- Preventing clients from making mistakes with costly implications
- A high-touch marketing opportunity
Positioning a service that falls outside of the Quick Queries Service
Here are some resources to help support and train your team on how to stop giving services away when they receive client queries. Use the simple scripts for different situations so your team can proactively navigate these potentially awkward conversations for a great client and firm outcome.
- Scope Stretch - Additional Service Recommended Script
- Scope Stretch - Additional Service Requested Script
- Scope Stretch - Rework Script
Examples might include:
This is a technical issue and needs to be looked into further. If we don’t address the issue now, your business will be negatively impacted (explain how and quantify if possible). We’ll need to charge a fee of around (state price). Are you happy to proceed?
To ensure we give you the best advice, we need to carefully review the situation. Would you like us to put this in writing and base our fee on the time it takes?
This is a complex matter. To ensure we give you the right advice, we’ll need to spend adequate time reviewing this, and naturally, there will be a fee based on our time. We think the fee will be between (price) and (price). Are you happy for us to go ahead on this basis?
Walking the talk
Our most successful Gap members only provide services they have used on their own business; including having their own business coach for accountability.
Walking the talk enables you to authentically demonstrate the value of your business advisory offering. Using The Gap services and systems on your own business not only helps you achieve best practice, but it also enables you to digest the process and fast-track your facilitation skills. Then, you can lead your clients on their journey, sharing your learnings and experiences along the way.
Establish your purpose, vision and Core Values
These are core components of a Business Plan that are critical to engaging your team and clients in your business advisory journey.
- Defining your purpose (also referred to as your 'why') is critical for marketing and engaging your audience to work with you
- Clarifying your vision is key to achieving your business's 3-5 year plan and engaging your team in that endeavour
- Establishing your Core Values (and implementing them well) is potentially the single most impactful action you can take to improve your business's culture
Every business needs a Business Plan - especially yours. Follow our
Business Planning process to create your Business Plan. Exploring the process for delivering the annual Business Planning service will fast-track your facilitation skills. As part of this, clarify your service offering and pricing to ensure your team is consistent in your messaging and delivery. Check out our service examples and descriptions within the bridge to help.
Reality test your Organisation Structure according to the 10 Departments philosophy. Follow our system to ensure you have the right people responsible for the right areas in the business. Establish key resourcing gaps and clarify delegation opportunities to free up your time to spend time working on your business, rather than in it.
Once your structure is clear, and your whole team has a great understanding of the
10 Departments ![](https://support.thegapportal.com/galleryDocuments/edbsne7a82e3bea64375660eb8da3ae18b909e875152a7a464553539f422475c2508fc1a2af6597a71a72be7d580fb0c1e008?inline=true)
philosophy, ensure everyone has full clarity of their role within your organisation. This includes clear reporting lines and well-documented job descriptions, as well as ongoing accountability.