The Gap Release Notes

The Gap Release Notes

Short-Term Roadmap

In the upcoming weeks and months, we will introduce new content and features guided by customer feedback, which shapes our product roadmap, including:

  1. Further content:
    1. A generic meeting process
    2. Access to a comprehensive Implementation Guide
    3. A Management Reporting process
    4. A Complimentary Client Review process
    5. Key mindsets that relate to our core services
    6. Educational modules to support delivery of our core services
    7. Key webinars to help market our core services
  2. Further features:
    1. The ability to create reusable pre-work templates
    2. An AI-driven note taker for online meetings
    3. Improvements to the Value Gap Calculator to show tactics to achieve suggested strategies
    4. Access to mindset resources in the meeting delivery workspace
    5. A new Learning Management System to house educational modules
    6. An AI-driven webinar delivery workspace

Release Notes

Q4 2024
  1. Process Improvements:

    • Updated all processes to include best-practice information for each step.
    • Removed workflow-specific tasks to highlight our meeting delivery tools.
  2. Work Items enhancements:

    • 'Recommended' processes now appear above the Work Items list for easier access.
      • The Work Items list is positioned further down the page under "Your team's work".
  3. Trial and Subscription changes:

    • Trials now expire, requiring advisors to select a payment plan to continue using The Gap.
    • Expired trials restrict app access and disconnect the XPM sync.
  4. Document Link Expiry for 'Guest' Clients:

    • Document links sent to Guest clients now expire.
    • Expired links include an option for clients to request a new link directly from the expired page.
  5. A new Org Switcher feature:

    • Advisors can now add themselves as clients and access their client org seamlessly.
      • To practice running services on a test client, or to run them on their own business.
    • Using the same email for firm and client accounts allows all organisations to appear under the org switcher in the app bar menu.
  6. Onboarding improvements:

    • A new Quickstart checklist displays upon account creation to guide users through basic setup tasks.
Q3 2024
  1. Work Items creation experience:

    • Process selection now precedes client selection.
    • Process cards display Summary information and Detailed descriptions (accessible via "Learn more").
  2. Task Assignment updates:

    • Tasks are now unassigned by default and can only be assigned to team members.
    • Removed the "Process roles" feature.
  3. Team Management enhancements:

    • Admins can resend invites, deactivate team members, and leave organisations (if another admin remains).
    • Deactivated team members retain profile access but lose access to orgs.
  4. Notification improvements:

    • Clients are notified about Business Plan updates only when there is an existing Business Planning work item.
    • Consolidated email notifications:
      • One email links to both Session Record and Business Plan documents.
  5. Pre-work and Delivery Workspace updates:

    • Advisors can:
      • Edit pre-work before sending.
      • Set pre-work due date reminders with client notifications.
      • Resend pre-work via the recipient list.
      • Attach documents and links to pre-work or feedback tasks.
    • Clients receive email notifications for shared resources and can download them directly.
  6. Additional Updates:

    • Print Session Records and Business Plans to PDF.
    • Subscription tier upgrade requests can now be made from Org Settings.
    • Closed or completed work items can now be reopened.
Q2 2024
  1. Client Management:

    • Add clients and contacts on the fly from multiple areas of the app, with "Guest" access level by default.
    • Client Admins can promote Guest users to Team members or Admin users.
  2. New Features:

    • Introduced Proposals and Services & Pricing.
    • Released Value Gap Calculator, accessible via the Main menu and the meeting delivery workspaces.
    • New services:
      • Cashflow, Profit & Improvement
      • Annual Accounts Review
  3. General Improvements:

    • Redesigned main menu and Work Items interface.
    • Enhancements to sign-up flow.
Q1 2024:
  1. New Services:

    • Launched Prospective Client Meeting service.
    • Updated Accountability Coaching:
      • Divided pre-work into Reflection and Planning sections.
      • Ensured budgets remain unaltered during sessions.
  2. User Experience enhancements:

    • Improved My Profile page and multi-factor authentication.
    • Enhanced mobile responsiveness for pre-work and feedback forms.

Known issues

Last updated: 19 December 2024

  1. Advisor users switching between Xero login and email/password login credentials encounter a ‘User does not exist’ error. To fix:
    1. Clear browser cache.
    2. Try logging in again with the other method.
  2. When resetting your password from the Sign-In page: [#2565]
    1. The email field currently does not validate the email address.
    2. When the verification code required to reset your password expires, the verification code field only validates the code upon confirming the password change instead of validating the code immediately.
My Profile page:
  1. Users disabling MFA (Two-factor authentication) are forced to re-enable it and cannot navigate the app. To fix:
    1. Re-enable MFA.
    2. Input into the URL bar to continue using the app.
  2. When changing your email address in the 'My profile' area, The 'Resend Code' function on step 3 sends the new code to the old email instead of the new one. [#2949]
Work Items:
  1. Assigning a work item task to a user does not generate an in-app or email notification.
  2. While editing pre-work, if you hit 'X' to close the document, it will be saved instead of closed with changes discarded.
Clients page:
  1. When an Advisor user manually deletes a client's name during editing, an error occurs, preventing the changes from being saved. The field should indicate that it is a mandatory field to avoid this issue.
  2. When resending pre-work to a client to set or update an existing due date, the user receives a new 'Complete pre-work' email and in-app notification instead of a notification indicating the amendment of the due date [#2674].
  3. Client orgs created on-the-fly using the advisor’s email address won’t generate an email invite or show as connected in the advisor’s clients list, despite the Client org being created when the pre-work is sent.
Client users:
  1. Advisor users who create a test client on the fly (i.e., not invited to connect) with themselves as the primary contact cannot open or complete pre-work sent to themselves. To fix:
    • To regain access to the advisor account:
      1. Log out of the ‘blank’ client account by clearing browser cache.
      2. Log in again via to return to their advisor account.
    • To access pre-work:
      1. Navigate to Clients from the main menu and locate the test client that was added on the fly.
      2. Click "Invite to connect." This will instantly add the client account to the org switcher.
      3. Refresh the browser, access the client account via the org switcher dropdown in the top-right.
      4. Open Notifications and click ‘Start pre-work.’
  2. When creating an account, password requirements are only shown after the email verification step. To fix:
    1. Go back to the original invitation email.
    2. Click the invitation link again.
    3. Create a password with:
      • At least 8 characters.
      • 1 capital letter.
      • 1 lowercase letter.
      • 1 number.
      • 1 symbol.
    4. Verify email.
      • Note: If it's been over 24 hours, ask your Advisor to resend the invite.
  3. Receiving the first session record email: Blank screen showing on first login. To fix:
    1. Clear browser cache.
    2. Go directly to the login page and sign in again (i.e., don't use the email link).
  4. Asked to create an account again when viewing documents from an email link. To fix:
    1. Open a browser and go to the login page:
    2. Sign in with email and password.
    3. Find the document in the Documents section.
  5. If a Client has received multiple services, the Documents page automatically expands the first service delivered chronologically, rather than the latest one [#2652].
  6. For online documents filled by Clients, if multiple clients contribute to the same document but using different instances, the "Last Updated" time reflects the latest edit globally, not per individual instance [#2217].
Client Team member users:
  1. When a client team member opens their pre-work and closes it without filling it out, an empty pre-work will show in their Documents page. [#3385]
    Org Settings (Advisor users):
    1. The 'Document Footer Text' fails to populate at the footer of documents. This field is awaiting removal [#2317].
    2. Under Org Settings > Team members, there is no guidance on what a Team Member role has access to, which is everything except access to Org Settings.
    3. Adding a new advisor team member with the same email address as an existing team member does not display an error, and the system takes no action [#1419].
    4. When connecting to XPM through Org Settings > Integrations, advisors who do not have MFA enabled receive an in-app notification to enable MFA when their firm connects to XPM. The notification contains a "Set up MFA" button with no implemented function. [#2967]
    5. The notification that should show when an advisor org is disconnected from Xero Practice manager from inside Xero is currently not showing.
      1. The same notification is incorrectly showing when an advisor org disconnects from Xero Practice manager from The Gap.[#3648]

    Other behaviours to note:

    Advisor Users

    • Archived Clients in XPM: When connected to XPM, archived clients sync between XPM and The Gap once weekly.

    Client Admin users

    • Org Settings sync: Updates made under Org Settings > General Information, such as organisation name, display name, contact number, or logo, do not automatically sync to their Advisor firm under Clients.
    • Team management: Client Admins are responsible for adding and maintaining their own team members and managing access levels. Advisors can add a second client contact, but this does not create an account for them in The Gap.

    All Client Users

    • Pending documents: Pending documents for continued editing are not displayed under Main Menu > Documents. They can be accessed via the notification panel or the original pre-work/feedback email.
    • Attachments in pre-work: Clients cannot access attachments shared via pre-work after submission.
    • Business Plan branding: Business Plan documents display the client’s logo only if it is uploaded under Org Settings > General Information.

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