Xero Practice Manager FAQs

Xero Practice Manager FAQs

Q: A banner saying "You have been disconnected from XPM" has appeared at the top of my page. Why am I seeing this?

A: This banner can appear in three circumstances:
  1. A team member has disconnected your Xero Practice Manager account in The Gap  Org Settings Integrations.
  2. A team member has disconnected The Gap in your Xero Practice Manager account.
  3. The Gap and Xero Practice Manager have been unexpectedly disconnected. 
If your XPM account has not been disconnected intentionally (check in with your team members), you can reconnect by:
  1. Clicking the 'Reconnect' button in the banner
  2. Navigating to Org Settings Integrations and clicking 'Connect' on the Xero Practice Manager integration tile.

Only users with admin permissions can manage your Xero connection.

Q: Why don't some of my clients synced from XPM appear in the list when I select a client to send a proposal to or when creating a work item?

A: This can occur when no Client Contact email address is connected to that Client in XPM, as The Gap uses the Client Contacts list to communicate with your clients. These clients will appear in your Main menu > Clients as having "No Primary Contact" in the "Name" column. Follow these steps to remedy:
  1. Log in to your Xero Practice Manager Account.
  2. Navigate to Clients.
  3. Locate the relevant client and click the client name to bring up the full client record.
  4. Click Add Contact in the right-hand panel.
  5. Add an existing contact using the "Find existing" search bar or click Add New Contact.
  6. Complete the form to add the contact (note you MUST add the contact's name and email address)
  7. Click Save to add the new contact.
  8. Log in to The Gap.
  9. Navigate to Main menu > Clients.
  10. Click "Update Xero Clients" to trigger a manual sync.
  11. When the success bar advising that the sync is completed appears, click refresh and locate that client to ensure the new contact now appears against that client record.
  12. This client will now be available for selection when sending a proposal, creating a work item, or launching the Value Gap Calculator.

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